City Updates

Friends, Below are some City Updates: Items 1 and 2 From Les Amis Duff-Baby 1) St. John's Cemetery Clean-up If you attended the annual meeting, you heard Peter Berry talk about St. John's and the fascinating history connected with the cemetery. In advance of the Questers International Conference being held in Windsor and the subsequent tours of the west end [we want to show off the west end and ensure that it looks its best!!!], we are inviting you join us on SATURDAY, APRIL 27th AT 11:00 a.m. at the cemetery for a couple of hours of yard clean-up. We ask that you bring your own gardening gloves, rake and if you can spare it, a yard waste bag or two. If the weather is inclement , we'll pick another day. WE WILL DEFINITELY SEND OUT AN EMAIL if the event is cancelled, so if you're unsure, watch for it. 2) Jane's Walk: A Little Bite of Sandwich [History] First, an explanation for those of you who have never heard of a Jane's Walk...