
Showing posts from July, 2011

Missing Gnome

Good Morning, I thought I saw something on here about garden statutes go missing, cannot find it. Approx. 2 nights ago, person(s) unknown - moved For Sale signs from vacant houses and put on lawns/homes that were not for sale in the 900 block of Partington. This was moved back but then I noticed this Gnome on the front porch of a vacant house. I have brought it home with me hoping to get it back to the rightful owner. If you know whose this might be, please have them contact me at or give me their info and i can drop it off. Thanks. T. Hood Source:  West-End Resident

UofW Parking Update

To all students concerned with parking at the University of Windsor: More information has been received on parking at the UofW.   The facts with students who are concerned are as follows: -- Although passes are oversold in relation to spots available, parking services guarantees 100% that all students will receive a parking spot.  This may mean parking on lots that require a longer distance walk to campus. -- If the parking spots were sold on a 1:1 ratio, there would be far too many spots available at all hours of the day and far too many students without a parking pass.  -- A parking pass should be viewed as a right to park but not at a particular spot.  It is a right to park, and there is a guarantee that parking is available, but it may be at a location that requires 5-10 minutes of walking distance. In comparison to other campuses across Ontario -- especially in the GTA -- the radius from which there are parking spots available is not that overwhelming. ...

Beaten grandma hurt, scared

Beaten grandma hurt, scared

Grafitti -- 1500 Block of College

House sprayed with gold paint between Weds July 20-21 on the 1500 block of College Ave. There has been a police report made, so anyone with any info - please let us know.   Source:  West-end Resident on College Ave.  

Sandwich Towne -- Woman, 63, suffers fractured ribs, shoulder and skull in carjacking

Woman, 63, suffers fractured ribs, shoulder and skull in carjacking

UofW and Forster Partnership Creates Economic Opportunities for Youth

Due to a recent partnership between the University of Windsor School of Business and Forster high school, 5 students from Forster received government grants to run their own business over the summer.  This is very positive news considering that prior to this initiative, the same students had no conception of starting a business or anything of that nature. Partnerships with the University must continue not only with schools in the west-end, but with various institutions and businesses.  The University is a gem in our community and it is in our backyard.  We must do a better job of creating partnerships to better utilize the resources and readily available skills that the University has to offer.  Fabio

Helping hands clean up Windsor park

Helping hands clean up Windsor park : "Marilyn Woodison, chair of Friends for Atkinson, discusses the volunteer efforts in cleaning up the park in Windsor, Ont., Saturday, July 16, 2011." Thanks to the Friends for Atkinson group and the incredible work they do.   In addition to our neighbourhood watch initiative, stay tuned for more positive stories happening in our west-end community.  Fabio

Police investigate knifepoint robberies on Mill St.

Police investigate knifepoint robberies on Mill St.

Senior charged with robbery

Justice has been served. Senior charged with robbery

Windsor seniors robbed, tied up by senior

I will continue posting as this story develops. I talked to neighbours in the area this past Sunday and encouraged them to start a neighbourhood watch on their block on McEwan and Taylor street. There have been several incidents in that area over the past month. Fabio. Windsor seniors robbed, tied up by senior

Police seek 66-year-old for home invasion, robbery

Police seek 66-year-old for home invasion, robbery


Home invasion on 1200 block of McEwan Ave at 1:30am on July 9.  The culprit used a chair to break in through the window and allegedly had a knife.  Victims were an elderly couple.  The elderly woman was cut, albeit not severely, and did not require stitches or medical attention. Source:  West-End Resident on McEwan Ave.

Radio Interview

I just completed a radio interview with CJAM 99.1FM where we discussed the neighbourhood watch initiative along with general community organizing in West Windsor.  The idea behind "Our West End" is to promote and empower the west-end community to come up with local community solutions. Only when we come together and work together will we truly be able to inspire the change we seek.  I want to thank all of the volunteers and participants who helped kick-start this initiative and I greatly look forward to working with all parties in making our streets, our neighbourhoods, and our west-end the best place to live.  Enjoy your weekend! Fabio

Park on Merritt Dr. Update (2)

Councillor Ron Jones spent some time yesterday checking out the park on Merritt Dr. and consulted with residents in the bridgeview area.  Some residents were open to having lights in the park and others were not.  Therefore, to resolve this issue, Councillor Jones has decided to run a survey with the affected residents and make a decision based on the majority of votes. On behalf of the residents on Vercheres, Merritt and Askin, I would like to thank Councillor Jones for his speedy response and for providing democratic leadership on this issue.  An update will follow regarding the outcome of the survey.  All for now, Fabio

Update - Park on Merritt Dr.

Neighbours living on Vercheres have reported several incidents of drug use and other suspicious and illegal activity happening at Merritt Park.  The park abuts Askin Ave, Vercheres Ave and Merritt Dr.  A complaint has been sent to councilor Ron Jones and calls have been made to 311.  The residents in the neighbourhood are asking for 3 lights to be placed on poles that are already in place at the park.  If you live in this area and would like to share any insight, please get in touch with councilor Ron Jones, call 311 and please email me at Thank you, Fabio