
Showing posts from October, 2011

Stolen Bike

hi my son's bike was taken last night sometime in the 900 block of mcewan Source: West-End Resident

Stolen Hibiscus Tree

A week ago,Sat or Sun, someone stole a  hibiscus  tree off our front porch in 800 block of curry. Source: West-End Resident 

Car Break-In on Vercheres

There was a car break-in on the 2200 block of Vercheres.  Police was notified.  Source: West-End Resident

Vandalism at Holy Name of Mary Church

"The church steps were re-cemented yesterday Oct. 25 and the care taker of the church stayed in the church until 8:00 p.m.   When the care taker came back this morning oct. 26, he found that someone has written in the cement "THE PIG WAS HERE".  Thank God this was done on one side of a step. So; From all the people who attend Holy Name of Mary church we say to you "PIG"  WE WILL WATCH FOR YOU ALONG WITH WINDSOR POLICE  and you will get your reward. Grow up ! This is not funny." Source:  West-End Resident 

Town Hall Meeting Follow-up

Dear west-end residents:  I received an email today from council services following up on our town hall meeting held two weeks ago.  Below are some of the issues that already have been addressed by each respective authority:  -  Noise complaint about Faces on College, the Supervisor of Licensing & Deputy Licence Commissioner indicates that the complaint process is through Windsor Police, they would enforce in the evenings, afterhours, residents should call Windsor Police to report these complaints, afterhours. - The streetlight complaint at College/Randolph, and in front of 349 Rankin was repaired on Friday. - I forwarded the alley closing concern to the appropriate dept. for response, the resident should be contacted directly. - Other concerns re: adding lighting have budget implications, Councillor Jones will have to update you regarding these issues.  As to the last issue, we know that North Merritt Park was already approved for lighting.  We are seeing results

Windsor police nab one suspect, seek others after van slams into house

Police ask anyone with information about the incident or the identities of the fugitives to call the investigations branch at 519-255-6700, ext. 4830, or Crime Stoppers at 519-258-TIPS (8477). Windsor police nab one suspect, seek others after van slams into house Fabio Costante

Walkerville to institute Neighbourhood Watch

Once a neighbourhood watch is established in Walkerville, they will move to Drouillard rd and then come to the west-end. In the meantime, spread the word with neighbours and friends so that you are prepared and organized prior to the formal establishment of a neighbourhood watch in your area. Walkerville to institute Neighbourhood Watch Fabio Costante

Encounter on Totten rd.

"On Saturday night around 10 o'clock pm I was driving down Totten headed towards Dominion and came across 3 men standing in the middle of the road..they spread out across the street so that I could not pass by them. They were wearing dark clothing and hoods with something covering their faces. They lunged for the passenger door handle and tried to open the door. I sped away very quickly and thank God was able to get away from them. I called the police as well once I was a safe distance away but have no idea if they were caught or if the police found anything. I am letting you know so that you are able to let others know as well." Source: West-End Resident 

Car Break-Ins on California

Hey Fabio,  I hope law school is going ok. Just wanted to let you know that my neighbour in the 900 block of California and 7 other car owners with cars parked in the alleyway behind Faces and further down behind California had their cars broken into Saturday night/Sunday morning. My neighbours are old, . and they don't need that! the police had told them about 8 cars were hit and that lights in the back only serve to light the way for thieves, since no one is back in the alley or any cameras are there . My neighbour's car has an alarm, that did not go off which tells me these thieves know what they're doing. Source:  West-End Resident

Lights to be Installed in Merritt Park

I received a call Monday morning and it was confirmed by councillor Jones at city council Monday night that lights will be installed in Merritt Park within the next few weeks.  We did it!  Congrats to everyone involved and to the residents who live in Bridgeview.  Sincerely, Fabio Costante

We Are In This Together

Dear West-End Residents: Over the past week we have seen what a group of residents can do when they work together. On Thursday, October 13 we held a community town hall meeting where over 50 residents from the Bridgeview area attended and were given a presentation along with having questions answered from both Windsor Police and City of Windsor Administration. Issues such as park lights, crime, traffic and parking, bylaw enforcement and nuisance control were all discussed. In addition to asking questions and engaging in meaningful conversation, residents had the opportunity to write down any concerns and submit them directly to the appropriate authority who were present. The media really jumped on this. The Windsor Star, AM800, CBC Radio and CBC Television all covered this story, along with other media sources. They particularly credited our grass-roots organization and how we were able to take our issues into our own hands. Last night my vehicle was broken into for t

Windsor group launches appeal in boarded up Ambassador Bridge homes case

Windsor group launches appeal in boarded up Ambassador Bridge homes case

Windsor police seek suspects in connection with Partington Avenue arson

Windsor police seek suspects in connection with Partington Avenue arson

Good Samaritans save woman from attack

Good Samaritans save woman from attack

Bridgeview Crime Update

I live on Merritt Drive and on October 7th, 2011 during the night my SUV was broken into and my Garmin GPS was stolen. As a resident and a Tax payer, I would appreciate having a light installed in the park and for Windsor Police to patrol in the Bridgeview area. Windsor Police showing their presence in the Bridgeview area would help. Thank you Source: West-End Resident 

Crime, Parking/Traffic and Park Lights

To the Residents who live in the Bridgeview area and all who may be concerned, Please join me next Thursday, October 13 at 7pm where I will be moderating a town hall meeting alongside Councillor Ron Jones regarding crime, parking/traffic and park lights.  There have been some concerns related to these issues from Bridgeview residents and as such, City of Windsor Parks/Traffic, Public Works admin staff and Windsor Police will be in attendance to give presentations and to hear any concerns or ideas you may have. The meeting will take place at the University of Windsor Human Kinetics Building, 2555 College Ave. - Room 145 (enter from east parking lot) on Thursday October 13, 2011 at 7pm.  If you have any questions you can call me at 519-567-8719 or councilor Jones at 519-252-1005. Sincerely, Fabio Costante