Crime, Parking/Traffic and Park Lights

To the Residents who live in the Bridgeview area and all who may be concerned,

Please join me next Thursday, October 13 at 7pm where I will be moderating a town hall meeting alongside Councillor Ron Jones regarding crime, parking/traffic and park lights.  There have been some concerns related to these issues from Bridgeview residents and as such, City of Windsor Parks/Traffic, Public Works admin staff and Windsor Police will be in attendance to give presentations and to hear any concerns or ideas you may have.

The meeting will take place at the University of Windsor Human Kinetics Building, 2555 College Ave. - Room 145 (enter from east parking lot) on Thursday October 13, 2011 at 7pm. 

If you have any questions you can call me at 519-567-8719 or councilor Jones at 519-252-1005.


Fabio Costante

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