
Showing posts from September, 2011

Woman in critical condition after west end house fire

Woman in critical condition after west end house fire

Homeowner mulls selling to bridge

Homeowner mulls selling to bridge

Stolen Lawnmower - Bridgeview Area

"Hi Fabio, I just wanted you to know that my lawnmower was stolen out of my back yard shed sometime between last Thursday and the week before. It is a black top Tecumseh brand older model and it was just recently fixed, we may have used it once before we noticed it missing last Thursday when I went to cut the grass. It is gas powered and they left the gas container in the shed and just took the mower. I live on Josephine/Grove Ave." Source:  West-End Resident 

Roxy the dog reunited with Windsor family: 'The kids are ecstatic'

Roxy the dog reunited with Windsor family: 'The kids are ecstatic'

Win vs. bridge hollow

Win vs. bridge hollow

Puppy Thief Targets Windsor Family

Puppy Thief Targets Windsor Family : Justin Derochie talks to The Windsor Star

Puppy stolen in break-in, family says

Puppy stolen in break-in, family says

B&E 1000 Block of Califronia Ave.

Home invasion on California Ave yesterday...stolen property and family pet Our dog Roxy was taken on Sept 14 at the 100 block of California Ave In Windsor's West Side.. We just want our dog back!! Please HELP... My kids are devasted our home had the door kicked in and they took a lot but only thing my kids want back is their dog Roxy...  Source: West-End Resident 

Windsor wins court fight against bridge and residents over boarded-up homes

Windsor wins court fight against bridge and residents over boarded-up homes

The Windsor/Essex County Hum

The following was sent to me last night by a nearby neighbour: "Hearing rumbling Campbell & Tecumseh @ 10:11 pm Fri  Sept. 8" I posted this on the facebook group and they are plotting all the areas where noises are being heard or felt.  If you experience anything similar, feel free to send me an email or if you have facebook, join this group:  Fabio

Friends for Atkinson Fundraiser and Askin Ave. Annual Block Party

Over the long weekend I attended both the Friends for Atkinson fundraiser and the Askin Ave. annual block party.  Friends for Atkinson is a non-profit group of community activists who raise money and help maintain the Atkinson Park located on Riverside and Bridge.  This past Saturday, they held a fundraiser where all the proceeds went towards swimming lessons for kids in the west-end.  Every year, neighbours on Askin Ave. host a block party that brings together the community -- not only those who live on Askin but also the surrounding neighbourhoods -- where food is shared and guests such as the President of the University of Windsor is in attendance.  Both events were well attended and convincingly demonstrated the pride many west-ender's take in their community.  And both Friends for Atkinson and the committed neighbours on Askin are great inspirational examples of how a group of people can change the place where they live After all, these are our streets, our neighbourho
Several cars damaged with key scrapes on the 1200 block of Askin. Source: West-End Resident