
Showing posts from June, 2012

School Board Looking to Relocate St. John Elementary: Let Your Voices Be Heard.

Click on the link below to read my latest article discussing the possible relocation of St. John grade school and let me know your thoughts on the matter.   School Board Looking to Relocate St. John Elementary: Let Your Voices Be Heard.

West-End Parks

Friends, Please see an email below that I received this morning from a west-end resident who lives on Campbell Ave.  "Hello Fabio, Please share this with all of your readers: What "tough times" are they referring to??? With the new bridge announcement last Friday, I thought everyone has been trumpeting about the impending "boom times", or am I missing something? This parks issue is a moving target--first, they claim that we cannot afford to bring these parks into compliance with an accessibility law that is not yet in force. Then they call this "surplus" parkland, pointing to the 2010 OMBI report (attached) that indicates Windsor is above the median in the measurement "All parkland in municipality as a percent of total area of municipality" (Fig.17.1). Please note, however, that we are actually below the median respecting how much parkland is available per resident: Fig. 17.2 "Hectares of maintained and natural parkland per 10...

Subsidized Swimming for West-End Youth

Dear West-End Residents: Please see an email below I received from a committee member of the Friends for Atkinson Organization: "Registration for Subsidized Swimming Lessons for west end kids will be held June 23, 2012, 10 am to 2 pm at the Atkinson Park Pool. Every year the Friends for Atkinson subsidizes the cost for children who cannot afford the lessons and whose parents meet certain income standards. For details, call Marilyn Woodison 519 254 8624. We would like to get out as many kids who would like to learn to swim as possible."   Source:  West-End Resident

With Vid: Tough times could mean selling some city parks

Dear Residents: Council will be asked Monday to approve a recommendation “to begin the public process of surplus parkland disposition,” as well as agree to “undertake” the sale of South Tilston Park...with proceeds allocated to the removal and installation of playground equipment elsewhere.   For those who may not know, South Tilston is located in the Bridgeview area, abutting Tilston Dr., Secord Ave. and Rankin Ave.  If you oppose this recommendation, please let your voices be heard.  Send me an email with your name and house address and please confirm your opposition in the same email.  I will then forward your concerns to our city councillor and the appropriate city authority.   You can see the article and video by clicking on the link below. Sincerely, Fabio Costante With Vid: Tough times could mean selling some city parks

West End Youth Win 1st Place in Entrepreneurship Competition

My latest article published in today's Windsor Star. West End Youth Win 1st Place in Entrepreneurship Competition