
Showing posts from April, 2014

Have a Great Long Weekend

Friends, I wish you all a fun and relaxing long weekend. I hope you have the chance to spend it with family and loved ones. Weather-wise, it looks like it's going to be a beautiful weekend. Enjoy it! Spring is finally here! Fabio

Car Break-Ins on Dot Ave

Friends, I received the following email from a west-end resident. I made some changes to preserve anonymity: "Hi Fabio:  I live on the 1200 block of Dot Avenue and we have been having someone trying to break into the cars sometime after midnight .  Please let people know to lock their cars – we have had a few lose money and valuables over the last few weeks.  Thanks" I replied asking if the police were notified. The resident stated:   "No I haven’t called the police and I don’t know if anyone on the street has.  I always keep my car locked but the other night when we had snow there were foot prints around the car."   The resident intends to notify the police so they are aware. Please be on the lookout and always contact the authorities. The more information you can share and bring attention to, the better.  Fabio  

Rose City Clean Sweep in the West-End!

Friends, Please see a message from the Our West End initiative Community Coordinator, Tammy Murray: Hello Our West End residents,   Our West End is participating in the  Rose City Clean Sweep!   We will be holding an  information meeting on:    Tuesday April 22nd     6:30 -7:30pm     at  Life After Fifty  (formerly Centres for Seniors Windsor) 635 McEwan Ave   Date and location(s) of OWE Community Clean Sweep  will be decided at this meeting.   To  RSVP for the meeting  or If you would like to see a  clean up effort in your area , contact:   Tamara Murray   c  519-567-4331

New Beginnings Summer Jobs for Youth

Friends,  I received an email from New Beginnings, an incredible organization that works with youth in the west-end and other neighbourhoods in Windsor. They have a summer jobs program for youth and asked if I could promote it to the west-end community. I included three copies, one for youth interested in applying, one for employers interested in hiring and the last for those interested in nominating a youth. There is much more info I can provide. If you are interested in learning more, please email me and I will send you the packages I received or just contact New Beginnings directly at the contact info provided below.   Fabio 

Raise a Reader Book Sale

Friends, Please see an email I received from Donna Cowie, a volunteer for seniors in Windsor and one of the organizers of this book event. I met Donna recently at a United Way event and promised her I would promote the book sale so families in the west-end are aware. Please check it out and grab some books for you and your kids! "The Raise a Reader Book Used Book Sale takes place this weekend at Windsor Crossings.  There will be lots of signs at Crossings to direct you to the store.  We have paperbacks for one dollar and hard cover books for three dollars.  All children’s books are twenty-five cents.  The sale starts on  Saturday, April 12 at 9 a.m. until  6 p.m.   and the sale continues  on Sunday from noon  to five p.m.  We will also have a final sale on  Saturday April 19  from 9 - 6.   The Windsor Star sponsors this sale and all funds raised go to literacy initiatives, including Book of My Own. ...

Farewell to Forster Secondary School - Closing Ceremony and open House

Friends, I received this notice from a west-end resident: Official Closing Ceremony: Friday, May 30th on the Front Lawn at 10:00 a.m. Celebration Open House: Saturday, May 31st 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Free admission. Forster will be open to the public and alumni one last time. Visit decade rooms, unofficial closing ceremony in auditorium at 1:00 p.m., current and former staff reception in auditorium 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Meet up with old friends after the Open House at many Sandwich Towne establishments. facebook link to the event

First Robotics Competition - Windsor-Essex Great Lakes Regional

Friends, I received this from a mother of a student who attends Assumption high school: On April 4th and 5th, from 8:30am to 4:30pm at the St. Denis Centre (255 College Ave.), there will be a robotics competition that will showcase all of the robots built by our high school students, including Assumption high school. The event is free and open to the public. No tickets are required. Here is a short blurb describing the event: What could be more fun than 39 ball launching robots! Please join Windsor-Essex FIRST at the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC): Windsor-Essex Great Lakes Regional at the University of Windsor April 4-5th. This is a brand new Canadian FRC event for this year as FIRST grows throughout Canada. This event promises to be an exciting experience filled with #omgrobots moments. The tournament will host 39 teams from around the Great Lakes Region.

MS Bike Tour

Friends, I received this email from a west-end resident: My name is Paige Slingerland and I'm participating in the MS bike tour on  July 26th and July 27th . This is a bike ride that goes from Grand Bend to London and back over two days. A distancing totalling roughly 150km. All the pledges and donations that I receive through my fundraising efforts will go to the Multiple Sclerosis society. Having multiple sclerosis means that one morning you may not be able to walk when you wake up. Or that you may suddenly have impaired vision. Or that your memory will fail you for no apparent reason. The symptoms of MS are many and vary for everyone. It's estimated that approximately 55,000-75,000 men and women in Canada have the disease, and every day about three more people are diagnosed. I work at Stathis Grill on College Ave and I will be selling bracelets there for a minimum donation of $5 each. There will also be a pledge sheet if you wish to make a larger donation by name specif...

Rock for Dimes Windsor at the DH


Applebee's Flapjack Fundraiser for St. John School CSAC

Friends, The good people at St. John's grade school (where I attended many years ago) are hosting a fundraiser this Sunday. Here are the details along with a link to their facebook page. I hope you can make it and support the St. John Parent Council group. Sunday, April 6 at 8:00am - 10:00am Applebee's Restaurant Huron Church Location "Come and support the St. John School Parent Council. Tickets are $7.00 per person. With each ticket sold $4.00 goes to the school. The breakfast includes 3 generous size pancakes, bacon and a beverage." facebook group