
Showing posts from March, 2016

Mason-Girardot Manor's new owners look to revitalize house

Friends, It looks like there may be a positive new development for the Mason-Girardot Manor on Mill St. just south of Sandwich St. See the link below:

UofW Students Dig Into Sandwich Town History

Friends, Check out what some of our University of Windsor students are up to in Sandwich Town! See the article below: UofW Students turn Detectives for St. John's Anglican Church History

STAG Receives Money for New Gym Floor

Friends, Great news for STAG and big kudos to the Charity Chix group who helped raise $54,000 for a new gym floor. See the article below: STAG Receives Money for New Gym Floor

Seeking Solutions to Traffic Chaos Around St. James Grade School @stjeschool

Friends, I've received several calls from concerned parents and residents around the St. James area. I've met with the Principal of St. James and together with the St. James Parent Council, we've brainstormed some ideas to help alleviate some of the traffic concerns around drop-off and pick-up times at St. James. The issue is also being addressed across the region with a joint city and school board committee. I look forward to seeing the results of that committee and how we may be able to apply their recommendations to St. James. St. James is a neighbourhood school and as such, was never designed for the amount of car pick-up and drop-off currently being experienced. We must encourage more walking to and from school to not only help alleviate congestion, but as a healthy alternative for parents and their children. Here is a link to the article featuring this dilemma:  School Boards and City Seeking Solutions to Traffic Chaos I invite any ideas you may have to help...