Updates on School Projects and Great News for the West-End!

Friends, I've received many questions from residents regarding the status of construction at St. James and Assumption Middle School. The trustees have received periodic updates throughout the summer and have asked questions regarding the same updates to ensure that the projects are moving forward accordingly. Assumption College Catholic Middle School There were some delays throughout the process for several reasons with both the Assumption College Catholic Middle School and St. James. However, construction has begun at Assumption and the contractors are working hard to have the school ready for September. The main focus right now is on constructing the classrooms and providing a segregated space for our grades 7 and 8 students. I did a walk-through of the building a few weeks ago and it is very exciting to see what is coming soon. In addition, a brand new gymnasium will be built once the classrooms are complete and the school will have a segregated courtyard too that will rea...