
Showing posts from July, 2012

Health centre “walked” from College community centre lease

Friends: In case you missed it, click on the link below to learn the latest on the College Avenue Community Centre: Health centre “walked” from College community centre lease Sincerely, Fabio Costante

A Strategy for the West-End: Our Time is Now

Friends, Notwithstanding previous plans that focused on specific neighbourhoods, we've never had a comprehensive strategy for the west-end. Over the next 12 - 18 months, I plan to work with key stakeholders to finally address this gap. See my proposal below (click on the link) that was recently  published by The Windsor Star and please share your thoughts as we move forward.   A Strategy for the West-End: Our Time is Now Sincerely, Fabio Costante

Friends for Atkinson Announcement

Dear Residents:  I received this email from a member of the Friends for Atkinson group regarding a few items that will be coming soon:  "1.  Vendors are sought for a flea market and craft sale August 25, 2012 at Atkinson Park Riverside Drive at Bridge. Starting  at 10 am, a good opportunity to sell your treasures to treasure seekers. For details call Marilyn Woodison of the  Friends for Atkinson Park and Pool,   519 254 8624 . 2.  Kids wanted for subsidized swimming lessons. Again this year the Friends for Atkinson Park and Pool, Riverside Drive at  Bridge, are subsidizing  swimming lessons for local children who qualify. Three sessions are coming up: July 23 to August 3, August 7 to August 17 and August 20 to August 31. For info and to register call Debbie Morin at 519 253 8613 or email Debbie at ." Source:  West-End Resident 

Positive Developments in the West-End

There have been some positive developments happening in the west-end.  In case you missed them, I posted them below for your convenience.   Fabio Costante 

Windsor's HMCS Hunter gets $20M home on Detroit River

Windsor's HMCS Hunter gets $20M home on Detroit River

Ron Jones, pick up that hammer!

Ron Jones, pick up that hammer!

With Vid: Olde Sandwich Town's historic fire hall gets reprieve

With Vid: Olde Sandwich Town's historic fire hall gets reprieve

Parkway work makes west-end area an island to those on foot

Parkway work makes west-end area an island to those on foot

Public Meeting Next Tuesday

Dear West-end Residents:  Please see an email I received below from a member of the group who is hosting the meeting:  "A citizens group concerned about the declining quality of life in the west end of Windsor have scheduled a public  meeting for residential homeowners July 10, 2012, 7 pm, at Bedford United Church, 3340 Sandwich St., Windsor. This meeting is being held to review legal options taxpayers have to combat declines in neighbourhoods, everything from  by-law infractions, partying, parking and others. A lawyer will give a presentation of how the law can be used to restore these neighbourhoods. For details call Bob Nagy at   519 973 0978 ." I will be attending the meeting.  Hope to see you there.  Regards,  Fabio Costante

West-end Closures

Dear Friends, In case you missed it, it was brought to my attention that CBC covered the west-end yesterday and discussed churches, schools and business closures.  You can see the coverage by clicking on the link below.  It begins at the 3:50 mark. Regards, Fabio Costante