Friends of the Court, Mackenzie Hall


Below is an email from Gloria Jung on behalf of Friends of the Court, Mackenzie Hall.  If you would like to see the flyer for the fundraiser, please email me and I will send you the corresponding flyer in pdf format.  I unfortunately cannot post pdf documents to the blog...or at least I do not know how to at this point.

The Friends of The Court proudly presents a unique Spring fundraiser~ 

The British Artiques Roadshow
Mackenzie Hall, 3277 Sandwich Street, Windsor Ontario
Saturday May 19, 2012
10:00 am until 4:00 pm
Appraisals by appointment only.

Cost: $15.00 per item or $40.00 for 3 items. 

"Discover the value in your attic with an expert appraisal"

For further information or to book your appointment contact 

Kelly 226.347.4670 or Toni 226.347.4250 between 6 and 9 pm Monday-Friday
or email at any time

Please help us promote the event by forwarding the flyer and information to people who would be interested in supporting us. 

Hope to see you at Mackenzie Hall on May 19.

Gloria Jung
The Friends of the Court, Mackenzie Hall


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