Friends For Atkinson Hosting Several Events

The Friends for Atkinson group is hosting several events.  For those who may not know, Atkinson Park is located on Wyandotte and Bridge.  The events include:  

June 9   Yard Sale in soccer field at Atkinson Park from 10 until 3
            Vendors are wanted and can contact Marilyn Woodison at 519-254-8624 re cost for 20'x20' space
June 9   Skateboard competition at Atkinson Park from noon until 3
            Will advise to cost, prizes, etc. end of this week
June 25  Swim and enjoy BBQ at Atkinson Park prior to fireworks
             Rec swim $1 from 6 to 8  
             BBQ - hot dogs, water, chips available for small fee - proceeds toward providing swimming lessons for children of working poor
             5 p.m. - ?

Source:  Friends for Atkinson Committee 


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