West End Graffiti Clean Up

Friends, Yesterday, we had over 100 Chrysler employees and volunteers, including over 15 youth from the area, paint over graffiti all throughout parks and neighbourhoods in the west-end. It was extremely successful. None of this would be possible without the United Way, the City of Windsor, Chrysler Canada, Centres for Seniors Windsor and the Our West End team and volunteers. Many residents in the area were extremely grateful and proud of the good work done by the volunteers. Yesterday, we not only painted over graffiti -- and there was a lot let me tell you -- but we began redefining what it means to live in the west-end. I could not be more proud of everyone involved in this great initiative. Let the good work continue! Fabio You can see the Windsor Star article and CBC Story below, along with some pictures from the event: Windsor Star: Cleaning Up West-End CBC Windsor: Cleaning Up West-End