
Showing posts from March, 2012

Proud of OUR Community

Dear Residents:  Nearly a year ago today we embarked on a mission to make West Windsor, which is already a great place, even better.  Between local homeowners and residents alike, our small business people, various committees and organizations, and our three levels of government, there are great people doing extraordinary things in our community.   In order to make our place even better, we set out a plan to share information and begin the dialogue, on a grassroots level, not just among a few neighbourhoods, but across our west-end.  Some of this news may be related to crime while other news may be related to positive developments.  However, one thing is certain, all of this news comes from YOU!  Every blogpost that ends with "Source: West-end Resident" means that it has come from someone who lives in the area other than me.  And I have hundreds of your emails to prove this.  As we move forward, I want to just say thank you to everyone ...

Positive Story - Words of Encouragement from Former West-end'er

Hi Fabio   Just wanted to congratulate you on the work you are doing. I was reading the Star online ( I'm from Brantford  Ont.) and read the article about being " the best old neighbourhood" then got into the blog. Very interesting. You said you were looking for positive stories about the West End. I have nothing current to offer but will tell you that this neighborhood is in my blood. I'm 60 years old and spent my first eleven years on Glenfield Ave and I still feel a strong connection to this area. My Mom's family were west enders and all lived in the Lena / Harrison St. area. My world in the late 50s - early 60s was the Prince Road Park ( now called Mic Mac Park I believe), Yachi Bush, Marlborough School area. Nothing but fantastic memories. Childhood nostalgia I'm sure, but even in those days the area was " rough around the edges". I do seem to remember a lot of tough guys and a couple of older brothers of friends who were on the wrong side of th...

Business Development in West Windsor

Fabio, some news you might not know about, credible source  says that the Columbia Clothing outfit on Huron Church Road is closing April 22, 2012 and everything in  the store is 50% off, including a lot of really nice toddler and small sized children winter snow sets, fleece jackets,  etc. Also word is Dixie Chicken will take over the closed KFC on Huron Church and a new money store is planned for the corner  of Huron Church and Tecumseh. Some things going, some things coming. Source:  West-end Residen t 

Defend Our Bridgeview Community

Dear Residents: I received the below flyer from a resident who lives in Bridgeview:  "On Saturday April 28 th 2012 we as the newly formed Bridgeview Neighborhood Watch Community urge you to join us in the 1 st annual “Light up Bridgeview night”      Due to the recent robberies and vandalism in our neighborhood we are asking everyone who receives this newsletter to please turn on all porch lights, house lights, and participate in any and ALL!!!!!!!!!! Front yard activities in our community on this date. We are organizing a neighborhood watch committee where all are invited to participate “With no vigilante or violent intent” The intent of the neighborhood watch program is to organize 2-3 overlapping patrols hourly across our neighborhood every night starting at dusk. If you are interested or concerned about the safety of our community that is rightfully ours to protect or would like to participate please contact @ (519)971-89...

Cars Keyed on Bloomfield

RE WARD!! For anyone who turns in the person that keyed the cars up bloomfield Rd. on Wednesday, March 28 between the hours of 3:30 pm and 7:00pm. Contact  Please repost this and catch these vandals. Source:  West-end Resident 

Break-Ins - 1300 Block of Rankin

1300 block of Rankin over the past week has had a number of break ins. Backyard sheds, homes, and vehicles. Last night around 4am a neighbour had a brick from my yard thrown through his living room window.  Same resident was in house as this happened.  Police were notified.   Source:  West-end Resident 

Resident Says Thank You

"I was so encouraged last night (Tuesday, March 20, 2012), while riding my bike home from the Tilston Armouries, to see  the 2 gentlemen from the local Neighbourhood Watch strolling Askin or Rankin (can't remember).It was just after 8:30pm, and by then it was dark.  I felt an overwhelming sense of being "safe"! Thank you gentlemen, for giving your time & effort!  I, for one appreciate you!" Source:  West-end Resident 

Forster Celebrating 90 Years

Calling All Spartans! J.L. Forster Secondary School will be celebrating its 90th anniversary this spring and you're invited to join us! This two day event will be held on Friday, May 18th and Saturday, May 19th. Fun activities include: decade rooms, meet and greet along Sandwich Street, meet your teacher, dance in the gym, golf, bowling and basketball. To register, or for more information, go to  or call Principal, Dave Garlick at 519-253-1166 ext. 30302 or email: . The early registration deadline is fast approaching: April 1st. J.L. Forster S. S. Reunion school

Putting West Windsor Back On The Map!

Dear Residents: I am thrilled to announce that soon I will be writing regularly for the Windsor Star about issues related to West Windsor along with promoting the area and advocating on your behalf.  This means that your voices will be heard, not just amongst the hundreds of subscribers on this blog, but to the thousands of viewers that log onto the Windsor Star each day. This is extremely encouraging and validates the hard work that we have all been contributing to Our West End. Moving forward, please continue to share information regarding crime, neighbourhood issues, opportunities and positive stories and at the end of every week, I will sum up the same posts and write an article featuring your stories for the Windsor Star. The time has come where we can finally share our story with the region and put West Windsor back on the map! Regards, Fabio Costante

Proposed development would house new Windsor museum

Dear Residents: After being sent a survey on this initiative (see  Potential Food & Entertainment Venue in West Windsor at Former "Junction" ) and reading about it in the paper (see  Proposed development would house new Windsor museum ), I decided to go visit the property on University Ave. W.  I believe University Ave. W. has great potential for development.  It is the main artery that connects the University of Windsor and the Downtown, the Ambassador Bridge and the Tunnel.  And now with the University moving some of its faculties downtown, we may see some major development in the area.  With that said, I suggest you read the article in today's Windsor Star, if you haven't already, and if you're inclined, I would like to receive your input on this potential development.  If residents of the area show enough interest, I will take it upon myself to organize a community meeting to discuss what we as residents can do to support a more vibrant and d...

Kegger party falls flat as University of Windsor students feel the heat

Neighbours along Askin Ave. and surrounding area organized and pressured both City Administration and Windsor Police to ensure that nothing illegal nor unreasonable was being conducted.  See the story below: Kegger party falls flat as University of Windsor students feel the heat

The Friends of the Court - Mackenzie Hall

Dear Friends, Below is the late winter edition of Mackenzie Matters, the newsletter of The Friends of the Court, Mackenzie Hall, Windsor which will bring you up to date on upgrades at the Hall and some future plans for improvement. It is because of your efforts and donations that our 1855 structure still serves the community in grand fashion. 

Graffiti - 1000 Block of California Alley Garage


Potential Food & Entertainment Venue in West Windsor at Former "Junction"

Hi Fabio.  Can you put this out to your list.   MANAN Strategy Consultants is working with one of its clients to undertake a feasibility study to evaluate the need for a multi-functional food and entertainment venue in  Windsor .   One of the sites under consideration is the former "Junction" on University Avenue West.   The Focus Groups will take place at the Downtown Windsor Business Accelerator located at  720 Ouellette Ave and your input, as a resident of Windsor West, would be most helpful.   Direct link to Focus Group Registration form: spreadsheet/viewform?formkey= dE1Ed0twWC1wVVBBZmJORVE4d1h2N0 E6MA

Spray Painted Garage

Hi Fabio, My friends garage also got tagged with purple spray paint yesterday! 900 block of Partington. Source: West-end Resident 

Construction Beginning on Park Lights in North Merritt Park

Two holes were dug to erect poles for lights in North Merritt Park.  Once the weather warms up a bit, the work will be finally completed. I will post pictures on this development in the near future. Once again, this is a great result not only for the neighbours in Bridgeview, but for the entire west-end. Regards, Fabio Costante

Egg Throwing

Hello Fabio, Just wanted to let you know that my house and two of my neighbors were hit by eggs last night.  We are on the 900 block of Askin. Source:  West-end Resident