Defend Our Bridgeview Community

Dear Residents:

I received the below flyer from a resident who lives in Bridgeview: 

"On Saturday April 28th 2012 we as the newly formed Bridgeview Neighborhood Watch Community urge you to join us in the 1st annual “Light up Bridgeview night” 
Due to the recent robberies and vandalism in our neighborhood we are asking everyone who receives this newsletter to please turn on all porch lights, house lights, and participate in any and ALL!!!!!!!!!! Front yard activities in our community on this date.

We are organizing a neighborhood watch committee where all are invited to participate
“With no vigilante or violent intent”

The intent of the neighborhood watch program is to organize 2-3 overlapping patrols hourly across our neighborhood every night starting at dusk.

If you are interested or concerned about the safety of our community that is rightfully ours to protect or would like to participate please contact @ (519)971-8974   before Saturday April 14th 2012

This is not a city council or police handout, but your fellow neighborhood brothers and sisters seeking a safe neighborhood for our children and everyone who resides here.

Remember  “A united community is stronger than the ones trying to tear it apart”

Let’s unite Bridgeview and show that it is not tolerated to destroy the neighborhood that our parents and we current residents have worked for"

Sincerely Bridgeview Neighborhood Watch Community


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