Spaghetti Dinner and Pasta Sauce Contest


Below is an email I received regarding a fundraiser for the Friends For Atkinson Park and Pool (FFAPP) Group:

Source:  West-end Resident


Friends For Atkinson Park and Pool is holding a Spaghetti Sauce Competition at Holy Name of Mary Church on October 27th. Tickets for the spaghetti dinner are $10.00 for adults and children 12 and over. Tickets for children 5 years old to11 years will cost $5.00 and children 4 years old and under are free. Refreshments and baked goods will be available for an additional cost. This is a joint fund raiser with The Knights of Columbus and all monies raised by F.F.A.P.P. will go directly to our subsidized swimming program.

With the amount of publicity that we have been getting in the media for this event, we are certain that we will have a big crowd and therefore will need as much assistance as possible for clearing tables, etc. as possible.  If any of our older swimmers age 12 or older and/or their parents are available to assist (4-7 p.m.) it would be greatly appreciated.  The K of C members did acknowledge that they would love to meet some of the kids so they could put faces to our programme. They have been one of our generous supporters of the subsidized swim program and have also donated their time at the park painting the skate board park and assisting us with other events when needed.

I have attached 2 flyers inviting you to the event or inviting you to join the competition by creating your own tasty sauce to be judged by Professional Chefs  from our area. We hope to see you there.

Please contact myself or Marilyn Woodison for tickets.

Marilyn Woodison at 519 254-8624 or
Debbie Morin 519 253-8613"


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