Online Petition for Barricade at the end of 1100 Block of Josephine


I am assisting a resident in getting a petition signed for a barricade that he would like installed at the end of the 1100 block of Josephine Ave.  The land in question abuts the Taylor School yard and as it is, cars are free to enter and exit Josephine to Campbell and vice versa, putting young children who attend Taylor at risk; particularly those who walk down Josephine to get to and from their school.

You can sign the petition online by clicking on the link below and following the instructions therein.  I also pasted the petition below the link.  If you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


The block in question is Josephine Ave., just south of Grove Ave. and north of Taylor Public School, at approximately the 1100 block.  Josephine comes to an end just before it meets the school property; however, there is an alley strip that connects Campbell Ave. to Josephine. 
Due to several dangerous incidents where drivers were speeding down the alley, either to connect to Josephine going west or to connect to Campbell going east, the residents of the area are asking that a barricade (or cul-de-sac) be placed at the end of Josephine (1100 block) to prohibit cars from using the said alley and thereby alleviating risk to the children in the area.  Many students go to and from school crossing the alley and these same children are oftentimes not seen by drivers coming west from Campbell.
Several years ago, the residents allege that a barricade did in fact exist at the end of Josephine, but after road and sewer repairs, it was taken down and never replaced.  
We, the undersigned, call on the City of Windsor to install a barricade or cul-de-sac at the end of the 1100 block of Josephine Ave. and help protect the young children in the neighbourhood. 


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