March Against Monsanto
This was sent to me from a fellow west-ender:
March Against Monsanto
On May 25, 2013 @ 2 pm we will be holding a PEACEFUL march against Corporate giant Monsanto. Monsanto to those who do not know have a patent on GMO seeds. It's a company that chemically grows our food, they first started making chemical weapons and now they grow most of the food we eat.
Monsanto has many ties to brands such as Kellogg's, Cheerios, Pepsi and up to 99 more. We are fighting to have the foods we eat and feed our children Labelled so we can make the choice whether we want to consume these genetically modified foods. WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW!!!
We suggest everyone try to read as much information on Monsanto and then join us on the corner of Tecumseh and Huron church (Metro /Fresh co locations). We will not be entering their property. Millions of people across the world are Marching against Monsanto on this day.
There will also be Marches at Metro on Central.
Join our facebook group for more information- March against Monsanto Windsor
We will also be meeting May 25, 2013 @ 9am at Ojibway to protest the big box development . This is our neighborhood, lets protect our environment.
Watch this for more information:
Monsanto links
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