
Showing posts from October, 2013

Petty Crime on Queen St.

Friends, Please see an email below I received from a resident on Queen St. Hi Fabio. Just a note to let you know that someone has been poking around backyards on Queen St. In the last week a lounge chair and bike pump has gone missing. Funny, they don't take the stuff that's worth any money. I have let the neighbours know to keep an extra eye out. Can you post this on your blog. Thanks

Bridgeview Halloween Party

Friends, The Bridgeview Outreach for Youth Inc. group is having a halloween party at North Merritt Park this Thursday. Come by and bring the kids! See their flyer below. Bridgeview Boo Fest Join us if you dare for a Halloween scare… We’re calling all goblins, ghosts and creatures of the night!!! So creep, float, or crawl on over to our Halloween Costume party! The party will begin  at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday October 31st at North Merritt Park You’d be ghoulish to miss this party!  

The Power of Volunteers and Community Champions

Friends,  Please see the email below that I received from a resident. It goes to show the compassion and power of community champions like Jack and the effects they can have on a neighbourhood.  "Fabio, I just found out that Jack Renner & his wife, Wendy Murkar, have donated 13 trees that are to be planted by the City in the park @ Riverside Dr. & Campbell Ave., sometime next week.  Anyone familiar with this park remember how we lost a # of trees to disease & had to be cut down.  Jack is the person that was profiled in Henderson's column a couple of weeks ago.  Jack & Wendy have always been supporters of the West End & renovated a # of homes in the Jeanette, Pitt & Chatham area.  He organized a crew of volunteers a few years ago to clean up & landscape (through donations & some of his own $$$$) the park walkway @ Riverside Dr. & Cameron.  Sad to add, that because of a dispute between the Railway & City of...

Forster Needs Community Input for New Name

Friends, Please see the email below that I received from a representative of the public school board. He is looking for community input for the new Forster high school. If you are interested, send me an email and I will forward it off to him. Thanks. "Fabio, I hope you have been following the activities at Forster and Century this fall….it’s been going well. Forster has adopted the theme “An Awesome Year” and I believe that positive, resilient attitude should be applauded. They had their much music dance last night and have lots of other plans. Our next step is to put together a naming committee for the new high school – I am helping the Director put this together, with, I hope, a group of creative people from the area who understand the importance of developing a strong brand for this school. Can you suggest some candidates….it won’t be an onerous exercise….just a couple meetings and some e-mail discussions. I want artists, entrepreneurs, people with marketing ...

Save Adie Knox Pool

Friends, The Adie Knox pool is slated for closure at the end of this winter. There is a group of seniors and Adie Knox members, led by Doug Peddle, who are getting a petition signed to fight the closure. I was contacted by Doug and others regarding this and I fully support their endeavour and encourage you all to sign the petition by clicking on the link below. Let's show our support for this vitally important service in the west-end. Regards, Fabio Save Adie Knox Pool

Help Forster Win $100,000 and a Kelly Clarkson Conscert

Friends, I received the following email below from a teacher and Student Council Advisor at Forster. Please help the school by following her instructions below. Thanks! You have been a devote supporter of our school and I wanted to know if you could help us one more time? blog/Facebook.  Forster is closing this year but we have made a commitment to make it one awesome final.  We have entered a huge contest to win a concert by Kelly Clarkson and tens of thousands of dollars.  We need daily votes starting today until Saturday, Oct 26.  Please place this on your blog and spread the word to your Facebook friends.  We are also on Facebook under "Friends of Forster." Here is the link:   You need to select Windsor, Ontario (no postal code needed)  and then select J.L. Forster Secondary and then answer 2 safe driving multiple choice questions and make your commitment to safe driving. Thanks so much!...

Car Break-Ins on Hillcrest and Throughout the St. James Grade School Area

Friends, I received an email from a west-end resident who recently had her car broken into. Please be on the lookout, especially if you live around the St. James grade school neighbourhood. Windsor Police were notified. "Fabio,   Just wanted to let you know I live on Hillcrest and someone broke into a bunch of our vehicles and stole money this past Thursday evening. Called the police and they never came out. My brother in law saw them trying to break into a vehicle and they only asked for a description -never showed up or even patrolled the area. It was a white and black man."

Praising 311 City Services

Friends, A local west-ender asked me to post this to the blog and wants to remind you all of the services that 311 offers. He has had much success using 311 in getting things done for his neighbourhood in Sandwich Towne. Praising 311 City Services I’ve used the 311 call centre at least 100 times this year and about the same last year, mostly for Sandwich Town issues, pot holes, long grass, junk in front of people’s homes, mattresses, couches, toilets. Many graffiti complaints but the best part is that over 100 times the junk is cleaned up and the graffiti is removed. Members of other cities that do not have such a service such as this would be envious of Windsor for Implementing 311. We can get things done without having to bother councilors; they have enough on their plate. I want to just thank the Mayor and any city councilor who helped implement the 311 service. We are lucky here in Windsor. Because of our By-Law Officer and Crimes Unit, Sandwich Town may just be a place whe...

Friends of the Court, Mackenzie Hall

Friends, A message I received from the Friends of the Court, Mackenzie Hall: Dear Friends of the Court,   As always Mackenzie Hall is a busy place. We hope that you have marked your calendar and are planning to attend some upcoming events.   Annual General Meeting will be held Tues. Oct. 15 at 5:15 P.M.   The meeting portion will be brief and will include the election of directors and hearing reports of Hall activities. There will be plenty of time to visit with new and old friends while enjoying a selection of sandwiches, desserts and hot cider or coffee.     Lucinda's Fashions Through Time  Sun. Oct. 20  from 2:00 P.M. until 4:00 P.M.    Lucinda Morris has graciously co-ordinated a vintage fashion show covering 400 years and it  is something you won't want to miss.   Tickets for this fundraiser are $25.00 and can be purchased by calling the front desk at Mackenzie Hall  519-255-7600 .   ...

Free Books!

Friends, The United Way has partnered with Chrysler Canada to give away free books! Please see their email to me below and please get in touch with me should you want a summary of the books that are available. Thanks. Fabio “Chrysler Canada Partners with United Way and Scholastic to Donate over 10,000 New Children’s Books to Windsor Essex County Youth” Chrysler Canada recently contacted the United  Way, asking us to work with them to distribute 10,000 donated books to local children and youth in Windsor and Essex County.   These books are being offered to locations such as after-school programs;  food banks; day care centres; new-comer agencies and holiday event (toy) drives.    As an organization that works directly with children and families, we are inviting you to access some of these books, to be utilized within your programs and/ or to be distributed to children who will benefit from this donation. A summary of the books that are av...

Free Spitfires Tickets!

Friends, The United Way has graciously offered Our West End a suite to the Spitfires game tomorrow (Thursday, Oct. 10) at 7pm. Please message me if you are interested in joining us. All are welcome! Thanks. Fabio

Break-Ins on Askin and Bloomfield

Friends, There have been some break-ins lately on Askin and Bloomfield. This was reported to me from residents who live in each neighbourhood. Please be on the lookout and contact Windsor Police if you see anything suspicious. Fabio

Best Lil' Hair House Open Again!

Friends, See the positive email I received from a fellow west-ender: "Good Day Fabio:  To bring you up to snuff re:  my earlier message that lo & behold, another Business had closed in the West End, namely, The Best 'Lil Hair House".  Apparently, the gals (Kim & Michelle) have returned!  There is a sign in the window & also a sign in Rimer's Auto Repair.  Welcome back Ladies."

Community Organizing

Friends, Below are some pictures from our west-end youth block party and our recent visit to the Bloomfield House. The youth block party was a great success thanks to the organizing efforts of New Beginnings (Marianne Wright et al) and several youth leaders. There were many service providers in attendance and youth were exposed to the many services available in our region. The Bloomfield House is a community space for residents on Bloomfield road and the west-end in general. It is also a unique social enterprise in that it strives to be self-sufficient by having a flea market, among other initiatives, to help pay its bills so that it serves its social purpose. To learn more about the Bloomfield House, you can contact the founder TJ Travis at Fabio

CPTED Training

Friends, I am happy to say that Our West End recently had the opportunity, thanks to the United Way, to send 7 residents from the west-end to receive a day long training on crime prevention and reduction through environmental design. Barry Horrobin of Windsor Police offered the day long training and the feedback thus far has been excellent. Residents are now better acquainted with tips and strategies to make their homes and neighbourhoods safer through creating visible environments (i.e. more lighting in certain areas of the home and exterior, trimming of bushes in certain locations, etc.) along with other strategies that will ultimately deter criminal activity. Our West End is committed to resident engagement and empowerment. Yesterday's training is a positive step in fulfilling our commitments and more importantly creating a better west-end to live, work and play. Regards, Fabio

Monsanto Update

Friends, A local west-end resident asked that I post this for her: Attention Fabio Constante Good afternoon, could you please send this post out with your next newsletter? Thank you for taking an interest in helping out and  initiative regarding the next MAM Oct. 12th. We want to spread awareness across our community about Monsanto and GMOs  This is a world-wide event as supporters take a stance against GMO's and the big corporate Monsanto. Below is a copy of the press release and some links that you can pass on to your contact. FACEBOOK LINKS:  https://www.facebook. com/MarchAgainstMonsantoCanada                            pages/March-Against-Monsanto- Windsor-Ontario/ 138493736339083 MARCH AGAINST MONSANTO (MARCH FOR FOOD FREEDOM WORLDWIDE ) Join us on Saturday, October 12th, 2013 as we gather to express our concerns about ge...

Energy Salesmen at Your Door

Friends, Please see an email I received below form the block captain of the newly formed "Bridge Ave" neighbourhood watch. Fabio Thanks for responding Fabio. Tonight 2 black males saying they represent Ontario Energy Group were knocking on doors in my neighbourhood. One said that there was high energy consumption in area and they were working with Union Gas and Enwin to make sure people equipment needed to be seen to be taken off the list if they were updated energy efficient. I said they were but he kept on insisting and that he wasn't selling anything. I actually let him into my house to inspect which he did superficially and said I was up to date. I always turn these type of people away but he had a different line. A few minutes later I was astounded at my own stupidity. I didn't sign anything but didn't like the fact he was in my home. I went up the street where he was talking to an elderly Chinese lady I know, as I waited for him to finish I heard hi...

Windsor West Citizens Organization

Friends, I've been working with fellow residents in trying to revive the West Windsor Citizens Organization (WWCO). There is a great group of committed and determined residents who are passionate about the organization and want to play a leading role in defining its future. If you would like to join in the cause or just learn more about the organization, please see an email I received from TJ Travis below. Thanks. Fabio Save the Date: Oct 7, 2013 at 7:30pm Location: 3340 Bloomfield Road, West Windsor This is the date of The Windsor West Citizens Organization's Annual General Meeting. Membership applications can be picked up at The Bloomfield House or STAG. The applications have to be handed in by Oct 3 and can be faxed from STAG. It's time to get up, get out and get something! For more info just ask. PEACE