Friends, Please see the email below that I received from a representative of the public school board. He is looking for community input for the new Forster high school. If you are interested, send me an email and I will forward it off to him. Thanks. "Fabio, I hope you have been following the activities at Forster and Century this fall….it’s been going well. Forster has adopted the theme “An Awesome Year” and I believe that positive, resilient attitude should be applauded. They had their much music dance last night and have lots of other plans. Our next step is to put together a naming committee for the new high school – I am helping the Director put this together, with, I hope, a group of creative people from the area who understand the importance of developing a strong brand for this school. Can you suggest some candidates….it won’t be an onerous exercise….just a couple meetings and some e-mail discussions. I want artists, entrepreneurs, people with marketing ...