Praising 311 City Services


A local west-ender asked me to post this to the blog and wants to remind you all of the services that 311 offers. He has had much success using 311 in getting things done for his neighbourhood in Sandwich Towne.

Praising 311 City Services
I’ve used the 311 call centre at least 100 times this year and about the same last year, mostly for Sandwich Town issues, pot holes, long grass, junk in front of people’s homes, mattresses, couches, toilets. Many graffiti complaints but the best part is that over 100 times the junk is cleaned up and the graffiti is removed. Members of other cities that do not have such a service such as this would be envious of Windsor for Implementing 311. We can get things done without having to bother councilors; they have enough on their plate. I want to just thank the Mayor and any city councilor who helped implement the 311 service. We are lucky here in Windsor. Because of our By-Law Officer and Crimes Unit, Sandwich Town may just be a place where people may want to move into instead of moving away from.



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