Windsor Westside Reunion Annual Gathering


I received the following email from Joi Morrison, co-founder of the Windsor Westside Reunion (WWSR):

About WWSR The Windsor Westide Reunion is an organization dedicated to the growth and development of the West-End community in Windsor, Ontario.
OUR MISSION Reuniting the West End Community Company Overview Windsor Westside Reunion Committee's mandate: * To create family oriented community events, and activities for the residents of Windsor West *To reunite the residents of Windsor West, Past, as well as, present.... See More Description
We exist because of community, and local small business support. Attendance at any one of our annual fundraisers, such as the Steppers Ball, or the October Haunted House of Terror helps us to raise the funding needed to entertain, and feed families who attend the Westside Reunion. Local West-End businesses have also donated to our cause which helped to make our past event a phenomenal success. Concerned individuals can volunteer to help our organization, which is West-End based, but is open and welcome to all of our Windsor Family. The 2014 Westside Reunion will be held @ Mic Mac Park on Aug 16th starting at 12pm.
General Information The Windsor Westside Reunion Committee is a group of individuals who have lived on the West-End of Windsor for more than 10 years, and are deeply concerned with the well-being of the West-End community. Last year on July 7, 2012, we joined forces with the active community organization, Sandwich Teen Action Group (S.T.A.G.) to create family oriented community events, and activities for the residents

At the Westside Reunion, they will again be serving hotdogs, hamburgs, beverages and dessert to all at No Cost. There will also be games Free swim, music plus more. Its our way of giving back to our community. Thanks


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