West Mesh! Come Celebrate Great People and Organizations in the West-End!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                                           Tuesday Sept 16TH, 2014

Our West End Neighbourhood Initiative presents:

 West Mesh, Get Connected to your neighbours and community!

The greater West Windsor community is invited to a celebration of our neighbourhoods and organizations. Join us for an afternoon filled with fun, games and entertainment.  Together, we are Our West End.

            Where: Mic Mac Park, 1125 Prince Rd.
            When: Saturday Sept 20th, 12pm-4pm Free event
            Contact: Fabio Costante, Founder, Our West End     

            fabiocostante@gmail.com,    519-567-8719

Our West End, a proud funded partner of United Way/Centaide Windsor Essex County, and the Our West End Roundtable is looking forward to having you join us in celebrating the West End of Windsor during an afternoon of engaging activities, live entertainment, and delicious food.  Admission to the celebration is free   and all are welcome.


United Way Centraide Windsor Essex County: 

Creating Thriving Neighbourhoods

United Way has identified creating thriving neighbourhoods as one of three key priority areas in creating Community Impact.  Strategic investment in Healthy Neighbourhood Strategies like Our West End supports residents in civic engagement to grow, strengthen and improve their neighbourhoods.

Last Year United Way-funded programs recruited 385 volunteers to dedicate more than 6,400 hours to improve their neighbourhood by revitalizing the surroundings, increasing safety, and building leadership skills of residents. This represents more than double the volunteer hours dedicated to creating stronger neighbourhoods.   United Way; growing communities for a stronger City of Windsor.


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