Upcoming Our West End Events


There is a lot going on in the coming months. See below!

1     Campus Discovery Day at the University of Windsor                 
            Thursday August 25th
            9am -3:30pm
The day is for residents in the University of Windsor area and West Windsor On Track to Success High School Students.  The On Track to Success is a program of United Way helping youth in West Windsor with study skills and opportunities to pursue post-secondary education. 
Our West End has partnered with the University of Windsor to bring residents to campus to experience several workshops throughout the day, to learn about the University, its many departments and services.
There will be some tours of the campus, the Nursing simulation Centre, the Library and some performances.  Any West Windsor residents can register contact Our West End for more informationtmurray@lifeafterfifty.ca

2   Campus in the Community Day, with Graffiti removal 
      Friday August 26th,
            approx. 1pm – 4 pm ( to be finalized)
Our West End has partnered with the University of Windsor’s Community Kitchen,
Community Garden and Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) to learn about our neighbourhoods and volunteer to help with beautification projects!
This project orients 40 University of Windsor Resident Assistants Student Employees to the Wyandotte West/River West neighbourhood.
The Resident’s Assistants will tour the neighbourhood and be given an infographic of area resources such as shops, community centres and restaurants.   
They will be a resource of knowledge for Our West End neighbourhoods, able to refer to students in residence to businesses, health and social services in our community.

They will also act as a point of contact and information resource to let students know about volunteer opportunities with Our West End, its affiliate groups, or how to get involved in our neighbourhoods. 
During the later part, of the day students will provide us with a Youth Day of Caring, helping to remove graffiti near the Human Kinetics building at the California Ave alley way.
This will restore our painting/graffiti removal work we did in 2013.

Please let me know if you would like
your organization listed for potential University Student volunteers.
We hope to build and maintain these relationships with students through annual training of RA’s and volunteer activities, helping students in residence feel like part of our community.

Day of Caring in River West! 
3   Park Bench Painting at Straith Park,
      Tuesday August 30th 
            9 am –noon (date to be confirmed)
Campbell and Riverside Drive West
 This is a Day of Caring with Caesar’s Windsor, Broker Link and Costco employees (approx. 10 employee volunteers total) helping to improve the appearance of our Parks.
 Some resident volunteers will be helping, let me know if you would like to participate!  tmurray@lifeafterfifty.ca
If we have enough volunteers we can scale this project up to include Bridgeview and/or Sandwich Towne parks. 

            Sunday September 18th  
Open Streets Round 2     /West Mesh/     Sandwich Fest combination!!

Please let me know if your organization intends to participate again, and is adding or removing activities.  
Tammy Murray 519-254-1108 Ext 134

In late September
Our West End will once again partner with
Westview Freedom Academy Art Program and
Windsor Police Community Services Branch to create a
Diversity themed Community Mural
on the Westview School wall, facing California Street near Tecumseh Rd West 
This mural will allow for both students and community members to paint together.  

Watch for Fall Clean Sweeps
We will provide a repeat of our very successful Clean Sweep and Shine along with 2 additional  
Fall Clean Sweep clean ups, in a neighbourhood near you!
Watch the Our West End Facebook page and blog for more information!
dates are TBD
Targeting dates in late September/early October;
Your organization partnerships/suggested dates welcome!
These will be resident lead, with some United Way Days of Caring mixed in.
Please let me know if you would like to be a part of these dates. 
I have spoken to Carolyn about targeting and expanding the clean ups Bloomfield House has done over to Queen Street with an intention to move Block by Block in the future expanding the impact.  


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