It's Official: 'Our West End' is Here to Serve YOU

Friends, I am very proud to announce that 'Our West End' has been approved for funding from the United Way to develop a parks committee in the Bridgeview neighbourhood, establish a west-end roundtable of community stakeholders to provide guidance and resources, tackle issues such as graffiti and general clean-up, and develop a strategy for the west-end focusing on neighbourhood engagement and empowerment. The funding is for two years. You can see the Windsor Star article regarding our funding announcement here: Our West End Funding Announcement We have partnered with the Centres for Seniors Windsor right on McEwan and Wyandotte and they have been gracious enough to provide us with office space and resources. We couldn't have asked for a better community partner and wouldn't have been able to receive the funding we got without their help. The funding has allowed us to hire on a few part-time staff to roll out the initiatives mentioned above. In the next few week...