Duff-Baby Mansion Upcoming Event Open to the Public
I received the notice below from a fellow west-end activist and friend. If you have time I would strongly recommend you go attend.
Les Amis Duff-Baby
[Friends of the Duff-Baby Mansion]
invite you our April meeting in Windsor's oldest home
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner??
will focus on the famous historical guests who dined in the
Mansion during the War of 1812-1813.
Guest speakers: Don Wilson and Dave Garlick
Following a brief annual meeting in the Interpretation Centre,
the talk, tours and refreshments will take place in the Mansion.
Sunday, April 21st
2-4 p.m.
221 Mill St., Sandwich
This is on eof the few times during the year that the public has access to the Mansion.
Don't miss this opportunity! For more information, write: lesamisduffbaby@yahoo.ca
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